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The Five P’s of Marriage

The five P’s of marriage, refers to the five key pillars of a marriage relationship: priority, pursuit, partnership, purity and purpose. We believe that every marriage can thrive and grow in intimacy and passion for a lifetime. By paying attention to these five factors, a couple can guarantee their marital success and improve the quality of their relationship together.


1. Priority

Marriages thrive when spouses commit to making each other their top priority, second only to their relationships with God.

5 ps of marriage

2. Pursuit

Commit to spending time with and getting to know your spouse. When we start dating, the pursuit comes effortlessly. We deliberately set aside time , ask questions and romance each other. For marriage to thrive, the pursuit must continue.

3. Partnership

Commit to being a team and view each other as equals. Spend time discussing important topics and decide how you’ll manage your home, finances and family together.

Romantic Surprise date The Hollows

4. Purity

Commit to being HOT , honest, open and transparent, with each other.

Romantic Birthday Surprise at home

5. Purpose

Dream and plan together. Having a shared vision helps to answer the “why are we together?’ question that pops up after the honeymoon period ends.

We are Trinidad and Tobago’s leading Romantic Events and Proposal Planners, we exist to give couples creative ways to  spend quality time together, keep their marriages fresh, and inspire them to grow together.” With over 250 romantic occasions planned, you will definitely be in safe hands with us. If you’re ready to Suit Up and plan a romantic surprise of your own, then get in touch at or check out our website for more information