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31 Awesome Ways to Be Romantic Every Day

Romance is an accumulation of intentional intimate acts done repetitively over time. In fact, doing small acts of kindness for your partner generates a feeling of gratitude that not only benefits her but also benefits you. When you are doing small, frequent romantic acts, you are helping the both you stay in a constant state of happiness and desire for each other. When you think about it, it makes perfect sense. While large gestures are certainly appreciated– a relationship can never flourish without day-to-day care and attention. 

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Fortunately, it’s pretty easy to be a gentleman and an everyday romantic. Romance is about making her feel loved and appreciated, so things that creates that feeling is going to strengthen your relationship. It’s just a matter of finding what specifically speaks to her. To help get you started on making her feel loved, we have compiled a list of 31 awesome ways you can be romantic every single day!

31 Awesome Ways to Be Romantic Every Single Day!

1 .Go on a scenic drive and stop to take photos of each other along the way.
2. Call her when she aren’t expecting it just to say, “I’ve been thinking about you and I just wanted to hear your voice,”
3. Create a scavenger hunt for her.
4. Leave a flower with a note that says “thinking of you” attached to it.
5. Hide a “just because” card for her to find.

ways to be romantic in Trinidad and Tobago

6. Cuddle while trying to get each other to laugh.
7. Play fun games together.
8. Take time to talk about each other’s future dreams and plans.
9. Walk together.
10. Surprise her with her favorite take-out.

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11. Get them a book from her wish list.
12. Watch each other’s favorite movies.
13. Swap back massages.
14. Eat together without using handheld devices.
15. Kiss in the rain.

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16. Discover a new hobby together.
17. Cuddle whenever you can.
18. Hold hands whenever you can.
19. Frequently compliment your partner.
20. Work on a bucket list  together.

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21. Give her spontaneous long kisses.
22. Share dessert.
23. Eat meals by candlelight.
24. Relax in a hot tub together.
25. Have a weekly date night.

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26. Make birthdays a big deal
27. Do something unexpected for her.
28. Surprise her with a road trip.
29. Watch the sunset or sunrise together.
30. Stargaze together.
31. Go on a picnic.

Now it’s your turn to be extra romantic!

Print this list out and do one each day. You can also make up your own. You don’t have to tell your girlfriend or wife that this is something you are doing. Just do it. Who knows, maybe you’ll establish a positive habit of expressing your love every day.

We are Trinidad and Tobago’s leading Romantic Events and Picnic Planners, we exist to give couples creative ways  to  spend quality time together, keep their marriages fresh, and inspire them to grow together.  The games, books, and experiences we create inspire fun and bonding  between couples. With over 600 romantic occasions planned, you will definitely be in safe hands with us. If you’re ready to Suit Up and plan a romantic surprise of your own, then get in touch at or check out our website for more information